Tuition & Fees

Tuition Fees

We aim to keep tuition as affordable and as family friendly as possible by our moderate rate and sliding scale for children of the same family. Our rates for the 2024/2025 Academic Year are as follows:


One child:          $9,100
Two children:    $13,650
Three children: $16,380
Four+ children:   $17,656


2 Full Days a Week Kindergarten: $5,000

Tuition Payment

Choose one of the following payment plans and fill out Payment Plan Form at the end of this document and return this form on or before August 31st:

1)      Pay tuition in full on September 1st.  OR

2)      Pay tuition twice annually, 50% due September 1, and the remaining 50% due January 1, . If desired, the second installment may be submitted through a series of post-dated cheques given on or before January 1, for the following dates:

·         10% October 1

·         10% November 1

·         10% January 1

·         10% February 1

·         10% March 1

3)      Pay monthly on the 1st of each month, through a series of post-dated cheques given on or before September 1st.

Financial Assistance

Limited bursaries are available based on financial need. Please see more complete information about applying for financial assistance.